Report death
Baruch Dayan Ha'emet.
In the event of the death of a loved one, you can always contact Joyce Koning or Sandra Goldfinger by telephone: +31 6 14872380. This number is not available on Shabbat and Jewish holidays.
In the event of death between sunset on Friday evening and 1 hour after sunset on Saturday evening, the family of the deceased can contact Dela Funeral Care, telephone number +31 (0)800 9556655. The only thing that may be arranged by the family is the transfer of the deceased to Goetzee-Dela, Boezemsingel 35 in Rotterdam. Joyce or Sandra will contact you after Shabbat.
Visit Toepad
The cemetery can be visited daily from 10:00 to 16:00, except on Shabbat and Jewish holidays.
If you find the entrance gate closed, you can collect the key to the cemetery upon presentation of your ID at the porter's lodge of the Van Ghent marine base, Toepad 120.
Jewish cemetery Toepad
Toepad 65
3063 NJ Rotterdam
History Toepad
The cemetery on Toepad was put into use for the first time in 1895, after the old cemetery on Dijkstraat became overcrowded. On March 15, 88-year-old Simon Zwanenburg was the first to be buried. According to the Nieuw Israëlitisch Weekblad of March 29, 1895, it was “a rare and impressive ceremony” that took place “on the occasion of the first interment there”.
Today, more than 125 years later, the cemetery on Toepad has been preserved in its original state. Upon entering, one immediately sees the two "weeping houses". On the facade of the reception room - the building on the right - is the text: "Whoever is born must die someday. Whoever dies gains eternal life.” The prayer room on the left contains the same text in Hebrew.
The cemetery is still in use and currently contains approximately 4,300 graves. Some graves have been transferred to the Toepad, which were previously located at another Jewish cemetery in Rotterdam.